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Chinese translation for "error method"

Example Sentences:
1.And we apply error method to reduce the estimate errors
2.Engineers used the trial and error method in selecting the other colors
3.The try - error method can obtain ideal trimming lines through adjusting by hand
4.3 、 the recursive prediction - error method is used to identify the liner parameters of the excitation system
4 、利用神经网络对励磁系统非线性部分进行非参数型辨识。
5.Edison , because he was the first to make these experiments , had to learn many times by the trial - and - error method
6.The constructed solving process is to establish a general sbr model firstly , then to derive the suboptimum solution by trial and error method with the help of simulation tools
7.Usually , this is not easy and requires the trial and error method . this paper designs a cross - flow steam / water heat exchanger and the according system and the sampling card
8.This thesis uses the mean square error method , and it constructs the revised msb criterion . by reviewing the revised msb , we can choose the independent variables of the regression model and decrease the calculation
以前的文献中在考虑到模型选择的问题时,多会应用到已有的准则,例如: aic准则, bic准则, cp准则以及逐步法。
9.Some preceding rain factors were list , then stepwise regression algorithm was employed to select the obvious factors from the list as the input of the bp networks . and the trial - and - error method is employed to define the number of the hidden layer nodes
10.For example , since different operating points of power system have different stability characteristics , utility engineers often perform a large number of stability studies to search for a stable one by trial - and - error methods incorporating engineering experience
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